Scan Centre Chennai, Scan Centre Near Me, Best Scan Centre – Radolabs


MRI Scan

 This is the field of radio waves to gives the detailed images inside the body.
It is the large tube contains powerful magnet. It is very clear to diagnosis the disease in human body.

CT / PET Scan

CT scan is well useful to examine the internal injuries. The bone vessels and soft tissues are easily detected in this scan. Is there any infection in human body easily find out the disease. CT scan images are more detail than x-ray

Dexa Scan

A DEXA scan also used to osteoporosis treatment is working after a fracture; it may asses the break due to osteoporosis. Dexa scan for dual energy x-ray absorptiometry


  It is used to detect any other problems in our body like Abdomen, pelvis, kidney’s, pancreas, spleen, liver, uterus, ovaries etc.,


A mammogram is one of the x-ray pictures of the breast, Regular mammograms are best test doctors have to find breast cancers, early sometimes it can be tested yearly once is the best for all women’s. We find out any lymph also


  Doppler ultrasound is to check blood flows to determine whether there is a blockage or leakage in blood vessels. Upper limb and lower limb arteries, veins, renal Doppler is useful in many ways to detect the disease


This is mainly treated to cardiac problem, is there any blocks in heart, analysing blood flows, it help us to detect the where the supply of blood suddenly blocked


Xrays takes pictures of your body especially your bones. Which helps us to identify bone fractures and crack. 

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